How to resize folders on desktop windows 10.Resizing Windows on desktop & Folder settings
How to resize folders on desktop windows 10.Resizing Windows on desktop & Folder settings Looking for: - How to resize folders on desktop windows 10 Click here to ENTER Windows might ask you to log out and log back in for a more consistent experience. This will not only make the icons in the taskbar a bit larger, but it will also make text bigger in apps like Microsoft Edge and Calendar, as well as in Windows 10 notification windows. If you'd like larger or smaller icons or thumbnails in particular folders, you can change those on the fly in File Explorer. Just head to your folder location and use your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in or out, effectively switching the view between Windows 10's large icons, medium icons, small icons, list, details, tiles, and content views. If a program is fully compatible with Windows 10, it will work. As you can see from the above information, there are infinite sizing options you can make to your system. Whether you just ...